Friday, April 28, 2006

My 100th post

I reach my 100th post. Looking forward for another 100 or 1000. InsyaAllah.
For the past 99 post, I might have cheered up people or at least communicating with them.
I might also have offended people, 'mengumpat' and so on.
I am glad that someone has pointed out some of my 'wrong doing' in blogging.
It was not my intention to spread hatred, bad mouthing, gossiping or any other negative aura in this blog . It is merely my day-to-day story, my keluhan (as described by nanot) my experience, my life.

Although I was very particular and careful for each word I was using, sometimes, i might be carried away with emotion.
I dont usually create enemies. But I don’t spare anyone who want to make me their enemies either. (Not a good attitude though)


I don’t believe in coincidence. Semua yg terjadi dgn izin Allah.
So I took a second look on the issue brought up by anonymous in my 99th post. It was indeed a message for me to muhasabah and be more sensitive with my writings as more people are reading it from day to day.
I know that more than 50 people read this blog but I don’t know the exact figure.
So, if any of my writing contains mengumpat, so I better take a serious look on it. I dont want this blog to add to all my existing sins! This alert came as I celebrated my 1ooth post.

And let us be reminded again on the greatest sin from mengumpat. We might everyday committing it. It is even 'considered' a norm in our society.
Let's avoid it whenever we are aware that we are committing a GREAT sin. Insya Allah

Definition of 'mengumpat'

I went to the net, and do some findings on ‘Mengumpat’/’Ghibah’/’Gossipping’
And this is what I found, closed to what I am facing.

Excerpt from :
Pengertian mengumpat dan batasnya

“Di antaranya juga, jika ia menyebut keaiban seseorang di hadapan orang ramai, tetapi mereka tidak dapat mengagak siapa orang yang ditujukan celaan itu, lalu ia menyebut pula. “Hairan betul si Ahmad Albab itu dengan kelakuannya!” Hingga apabila di dengar lagi oleh orang-orang itu, mereka pun faham siapa orang yang ditujukan celaan tadi."

What do I understand from this sentence?

Kalau kita cerita pasal sesuatu yg buruk berkenaan seseorang, tanpa menyebut namanya atau tanpa menggambarkan secara jelas sehingga orang tidak faham siapa orang itu. Ia mungkin sekadar menjadi cerita, tanpa mengaibkan sesiapa. Tetapi, sebaik sahaja kita memberi clue atau indication yang boleh mengaitkan orang itu secara tepat dan jelas, maka terjadilah ‘mengumpat’.


Boleh atau tidak jika kita cerita sesuatu berkenaan seseorang, tetapi kita menjaga maruahnye dengan tidak memberitahu siapa orangnya?? Adakah dia mendapat malu?? Adakah dia diaibkan?? Kalau ya, bagaimana?

Maybe ada antara post aku (satu or dua) yang terlajak umpat. Tapi bukan semua post. InsyaAllah 98% aku tidak mengumpat.

Aku mungkin salah tafsir, tapi buat sesiapa yang faham, tolong lah comment and betulkan kalau aku salah. Aku boleh admit kalau aku salah. No hal punye..
Baik orang betulkan aku, daripada aku jadi degil dan tuli dari sebarang teguran . Nauzubillah…

To anyone who love to practice ‘baling batu sembunyi tangan’, please stop it.
Come to me face to face. or even email me. or call me. or do it in a positive way.

I am a human. I am perfectly imperfect. I have commited sin. But I quickly repented. Then I commited sin again. Again I repented.

If I am wrong or deemed wrong by you, by all means, please let me know. As a friend, or someone who knows me, why must you condemn me? In front of others? Why must be so sarcastic?
After all, I was not condemning you. What have I done to you to deserve this?
Do not create another sin, just to correct someone mistake. The aim will not justify the means. Matlamat tidak boleh menghalalkan cara.

I apologized for being rude in my comments, but that was my first reaction to a very sarcastic, kurang ajar remarks, from a visitor to a host, with the intend to menjatuhkan maruah. I was very angry…then. Simply because my blog is like my home. And I can't tolerate someone to degrade me in my home.

Dengan penuh rasa kekurangan dan merendah diri, aku mintak maaf kat sapa2 yang terasa dengan penulisan aku dalam blog ni.
Since I am aware the blog is open to public, I should be held responsible for the contents.
I dont want to be questioned later...........

There is no need for us to involve in a warless battle. Banyak benda lain nak kena soal dalam kubur, so jangan lah tambah benda2 remeh macam ni.
Peace….Insya Alah…


Anonymous said...

World Peace!!! If everyone thinks as matured as you Pian...I guess we all dah lama hidup aman dan damai!!! I agreed with you Pian...if we are happy or unhappy with people, talk face-to-face is the best solution. Jangan lar nak kritik-mengkritik sampaikan 'menghuru-harakan' hidup / blog orang kan? Just an advice from me - Bamboo Stick. I LOVE WORLD PEACE!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah world peace babeh!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to HUCS@pyan for being a better person. You have proved to yourself that you didn't let anger (immaturity) get the better of you.

I have always thought that we have a lot of things in common....especially views about life. You are a true friend and you have always inspired other people to be better people (even without you knowing it). So caya la Pyan.

Teruskan memblogging. And may this blog will have thousands more postings from you. Ciao pepito ;o))

eddie said...

congrats, aku dah berapa posting eek, kat mana nak check eek?

princessren said...

congrats pyan.. i din celebrate my 100th post but i'llmake sure i update my blog as much as possible. nway, byk jugak idea ko memblogging nih yek? hahah keep it up ;D

Abu S.H said...

bamboo stick - ko ni cam misss universe plak..padahal miss kelate je

budak come tak original - oo..notty sgt dah warn pun pakai lagi nick budak come

nanot - ye much do i owe you? hehe

eddie - bila ko bukak page blogger home. nanti ada kat belah kanan skali

princessren - ko pun aktif gak. gambar org terbalik pun ada..hehehe

Mpro said...

Tahniah pyan... aku pun dah lama tak update... asyik comment je...
Keep it up the good work... rain or shine, the show must go on...

Anonymous said...

CoNGrAtSS kart encik hucs sbb post dah banyak..tak sempat nak baca entry

Abu S.H said...

mpro - eh..lama x dgr benda tu...rain or shine tu..dulu slalu gak sematkan dalam hati..hehehe..aku sampai F2 je...

anonymous - keep on readin'....and commentting..hehehe...

Anonymous said...

posted comments in your previous posting .. masa tu sekadar lalu je.

now .. nampaknya akan jadi selalu ke sini .. ;)

me pun macam sesiapa saja di sini atau di luar sana .. tak sempurna. sering melakukan kesilapan & tak lepas dari melakukan dosa2 kecil.

ok .. kali ni me nak tanya ttg 1 kemusykilan .. sesapa saja are welcome to reply me.

dari salah satu keterangan dari posting tuam umah .. "Kalau kita cerita pasal sesuatu yg buruk berkenaan seseorang, tanpa menyebut namanya atau tanpa menggambarkan secara jelas sehingga orang tidak faham siapa orang itu. Ia mungkin sekadar menjadi cerita, tanpa mengaibkan sesiapa. Tetapi, sebaik sahaja kita memberi clue atau indication yang boleh mengaitkan orang itu secara tepat dan jelas, maka terjadilah ‘mengumpat’."

let's say .. kalau seseorang (dari keluarga sendiri) mengumpat kita dlm blognya, walaupun dia tidak memberitahu nama org tu, tapi telah memberitahu earlier on pada kawan2nya rapat yg membaca blog tu sudah tentu mereka tahu siapa yg diumpat oleh tuan blog tu .. jadi jelaskah orang tu telah menambahkan dosanya (dari dosa2 yg telah ada)?

just me at:

Abu S.H said...

me - true. as long as, there is an indication relating to the specific people. in whatsoever means.
Sebab tu aku makin berhati2 skang..takut2 aku bagi indication yang boleh me'relate'kan dengan situasi yang aku cerita.
I know I can not run from mistake. And it will be the worst if I run from admitting them..

Untuk pemahaman lanjut, click internet link dalam my post.
InsyaAllah, you can answer it for yourself.
Aku pun bukan gheti sangat..Kang salah kang?
Orang tuduh ayah pin ajar aku...maleh la nak panjang2 citer..
Sia2 je melibatkan ayah pin yang tak bersalah dengan aku dan kita. Tambah lagi dosa baru..nauzubillah

and who are you? me? who is me?

Anonymous said...

hucs, if u want to know who is me, email me.

kalau tak .. aku hanya serangga, di taman belantara .. isk, terciplak lirik lagu BPR pulak.. hmm ..

just me at:

Anonymous said...

baguih..baguih pyan..dah 100 posts dah. budak come tak 3rd warning. kang kena kang..