Saturday, March 11, 2006

Again..the 30 sen issue

I dont know who they are.. :) Their identities are protected as I believe they are all minors

I love this photo.

It was taken after the Friday prayer, during the peaceful demonstration for protesting the fuel price hike.
Dr Hatta and Nasharudin is leading the crowd, marching from KLCC mosque to Dataran Petronas where FRU is waiting for them.
At least two helicopters were also seen.
The protest ended when the FRU used the water cannon to disperse the crowd at around 4.15pm, in front of Petronas Twin Tower.

Our TPM ask the people of Malaysia to change their way of life. I agree with that. But is he changing his lifestyle as well? Are the people in the cabinet change their lifestyle? I dont think so..
They still receive their paid vacation, transportation allowance and so on. I dont believe there's a pay cut or allowance cut imposed to them.

They dont feel a pinch from this 30 sen issue. They will retain their lavish lifestyle hence the fuel price hike.....
But I do! If I'm efficient enuff in using petrol, I still need to pay around RM 60-70 extra a month!!! That is only daily usage and no extra usage like jalan2 and so on!!!
And that's why I couldn't agree more when they protested this...

Pak Lah said, the money will be used for development of the country.
There are so many avenues to save money and if they put people as priority, increasing the oil price should not be in the list.
I dont want to elaborate more....

And to me, this is not about politics....This is about amanah or trust that were given to them, to administer our country's natural resources.
The oil is OUR property. It is not Petronas's nor the ruling goverment's. We just have to understand this fact.


Mpro said...

What ever you say or we say, doesn't make any difference... They have the say and the power... Kuasa kita masa mengundi je.. Tu pun tak tahu betul ke tak?? Cuma bersyukur that our country masih lagi aman compare to Thailand and Filipinos...

bola2api said...

gambar ni mcm gambar kempen anti dadah la sbb mata2 dihitamkan :)

u ke yg amik gambar ni?? the posters look cool by the way..

Anonymous said...

I take my hats off to these people yang take time to at least do something. One people can make a difference as the saying goes and I still want to believe that. Hopefully in the future, the gov will think of its people first and skillfully wade their way thru financial crises without impacting us. We've paid our taxes, we've paid for our crazily priced cars. What more can we do to help them? Diorang dah kena cari think-tank yang lain kot!!!!

Anonymous said...

aku dah malas nak ckp pasal nih. kita jumpa je depa kat alam lain nanti....

Anonymous said...

looks like minors being paid to carry the poster...
anyway back to the topic.. well i agree to the fact that everybody must adjust to the ever ending increase of fuel and cost of living. this includes all those VIP,VVIP and what not. they have to understand and FEEL the burden themselves. on the other hand, giving too much subsidy can be damaging to the development of the country as well. more subsidy means less money for the gov to build highways, schools, hospitals, fire station, etc...assuming the these money being managed honestly. less infra development, people will complaint, less subsidy people also complaint...probably because we don't really understand how our country macro and micro economy works...or probably we have been spoiled for such a long time until we forgot how to be independent and stay strong no matter what the impact is. gov and its policies changes all the time. the next gov may decide to totally abolish the subsidy...then what do we do? picket? you and i know it doesn't always work (if it ever did in m'sia). but 1 thing we could do prepared and teach ourselves to work harder..earn more...become a millionaire. my point is we must not totally dependent on others.. live our life by design not by default

princessren said...

sorry yek but i thnk malaysians generally are spoilt lah. nih naik 30 sen pun complaint .. negara lain lagi terok .. i rasa bersyukur gak negara kita naik 30 sen jer. padahal PM kita pun done his best for our country.... nih mary tgh merepek lagi...

Abu S.H said...

deano and princessren - what u said is true. my arguement here is, are they taking the bitter pills like we did??????
And as i said, they dont feel a pinch!
Tu yg buat aku marah and meluat tuu..
And selagi kita tak really make nosie..then they will stop thinking baout us.
At least on Saturday, the star front page ada kata "We know you are angry" - Pak Lah. Kira OK la tu...
But back to the question....diorang ni cakapppp je... la....diorang lavish jugakkk...

hucs - cuti2 mesia...

Anonymous said...

hucs... you got a point there, but i believe in Pak Lah's earlier statement.."if you cannot buck up..pack up". i hope those politician who thinks there are much more important than the people will start to think about it seriously. now that Pak Lah has launch a new "jabatan" (or was it a "biro") to channel our complaint, those people better be serious about it or BN will no longer rule the country..use the channel to make noise..REALLY LOUD u said...jangan cakap je...pastu buat-buat lupa, kalau gomen buat-buat lupa then mungkin kita pun boleh buat-buat lupa nak pangkah calon BN when it comes to election karang...

Abu S.H said...

mpro - kuasa kiter bukan mengundi jer. kuasa kita doa dan tidak berputus asa. jgn sesekali redha dgn org2 mcm ni.
lagi senyap lagi kena taruk...
at least ada gak org2 camni yg sanggup buat 'bising' kalau tak diorang complacent sgt...sekali sekala bagi 'ingat sket' biar la kecik pun...

bola2api - yup..amik kat klcc hari jemaat lepas..

nannot - good observation. keep ur finger crossed.

kno - kalau dah maleh sgt nak ckp..mana2 ada peluang tu..sokong ler....word of mouth pun tak kurang hebatnye..cakap2 kedai kopi tu yg bagi menang calon tu..hehhe

deano - i just doubt tahap ketelusan channel yg ko mention

mary - Pak Lah is a good leader. Bu the is trapped with the old mindset/paradigmn which the cabinet and people have. He has yet to achieve anything except a bit of local social stability.
How can Zainudin Maidin (ZAM) jadi menteri penerangan?? gilo apo?

hehehhe...hucs tak berapa merepek...