Sunday, January 22, 2006

Walls Chicken

Baru2 ni ada kuar iklan ice cream Walls Cow. During the commercial, teringat pulak pasal Walls Chicken (Ayam Dindings). Maybe quite late for me to post this but asyik teringat2 je pasal benda ni bila nak makan ayam.

Latest development of this issue is the company was given back their certificate of halal product by JAKIM. This is contradicting with JAIP, which is in the midst of cancelling the halal cert. (JAKIM give halal cert for the product and Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (JAIP) give the halal cert for operations).

Within a week.
That is all it takes for JAKIM to cancel and then reapproved the halal certification for this company. I dont want to speculate what has happened behind all these actions. But I personally feels it is 'luar biasa' (ikut phrase Pak Lah for the 9-menteri-memorandum issue)

Patutnye, hukuman melanggar operasi produk halal diperketatkan. Not as easy as, after re-evaluate, they can get their license back. Senang-senang je!

I would suggest : (sapa sokong angkat kening sebelah - joke bell!)

1. If found guilty, although for the first time, their license will be revoked FOREVER.
2. Harsh punishment (sebat ke, jail ke and bukan denda)
3. Akta kediaman terhad.

This is how we should treat someone who does not respect our faith and our trust. Maximum punishment for those who take muslim's integrity lightly. Jangan buat main ooo..pasal halal haram makanan ni. Nabi pun paksa cucu dia yang masih kecil, muntahkan balik kurma yang orang sedekah (keturunan nabi tak leh makan benda sedekah). Budak kecik yang tak tau apa2 pun tak de exception.

Susah la ini macam. Kena ingat balik skill sembelih ayam masa kursus poyo2 nak gi US dulu.
Teringat plak kat wan pekzah abas (ppp IT - 95-99)sembelih sampai putus kepala ayam..hehehe....wan, ada komen??


eddie said...

aku lagi setuju kalau sijil halal diorang di gantung for 3 years for each violation.

Heck.. apa susah.. let's all boikot Ayam Dinding product dan juga establishments yg pakai product ayam dinding..

When government fails us, civil disabodience is the best answer!

Abu S.H said...

3 years for each violation tu maknanya sekor ayam yang salah disembelih/mistreated is consider one violation? cam tu ke?
aku stoojoo....hehehe
tapi tu la..nak boikot pun kalau ada org sebarkan/ post is more concern on enforcement and how JAKIM handled the issue..